Spiritual Growth

The Question that Never Goes Away

Price: $18.00
Publisher: Zondervan

Author: Philip Yancey

Product Description

Thirty-five years ago when Philip Yancey's classic book Where Is God When It Hurts? was published, he explored the deeper questions of suffering and faith. Since that time, Yancey has continued to ask difficult questions and visited the places and people where tragedy touches most closely.

In The Question That Never Goes Away, he considers the plight of those devastated by the December 2013 shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, the 2011 tsunami in Japan, and the civil war in former Yugoslavia. While many who read his observations may not have directly faced the fallout of such calamities, we all face challenges to faith. As Yancey shares his experiences in places of difficulty and suffering, you'll find the strength to face your own trials, and move closer to God instead of away.

Product Information

Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 128
Vendor: Zondervan
Publication Date: 2013