BIblical Studies

Prayer: Too Busy Not to Pray, Christian Basics Bible Studies

Price: $8.00
Publisher: Intervarsity Press

Author: Bill Hybels

Product Description

There's so much going on-work, church, school, family, relationships: the list is never-ending. Someone always seems to need something from us. But time for God, time to pray, seems impossible to find. These studies are designed to help you slow down and listen to God. But they don't stop there! They also help you learn how to respond. As a result you will grow closer to God and experience the benefits of spending time with him. 6 studies for individuals or groups.
Product Information
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Inter-Varsity Press
Publication Date: 1994
Dimensions: 8.3 X 5.5 (inches)
ISBN: 0830820043
ISBN-13: 9780830820047
Availability: In Stock