Christian Living

Straight Talk to Men: Timeless Principles for Leading Your Family

Price: $16.66
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Author: Dr. James Dobson

Product Description

* What does God expect from a real man in today's society? In this classic work on biblical roles, Dobson offers you a "job description for men." Find out what America's best-loved family expert has to say on gender roles, the definition of "manliness," priorities, work, money, emotions, sexuality, midlife, morality, leadership, wives, children, and more! 256 pages, softcover from Tyndale.

Product Information

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Tyndale House
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X 1.00 (inches)
ISBN: 1414391315
ISBN-13: 9781414391311