Christian Living

Think, Act, Be Like Jesus: Becoming a New Person in Christ

Price: $16.00
Publisher: Zondervan

Author: Randy Frazee

Product Description

Embark on the road to discipleship with Frazee's step-by-step guide! Encouraging you to be transformed into Christ's image, he explores core beliefs, practices, and virtues to help you develop a personal vision for spiritual growth. In thirty short chapters, discover how worship, prayer, stewardship, humility, love, and more, will help you live what you believe. 263 pages, softcover from Zondervan.

Product Information

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 263
Vendor: Zondervan
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X .5 (inches)
ISBN: 031025017X
ISBN-13: 9780310250173
Availability: In Stock
Series: Believe