Children Bible

The Barbour Children's Bible

Price: $20.00
Publisher: Barbour Publishing

Product Description

The Barbour Children's Bible is a delightful way to introduce young hearts to the unchanging truths of God's Word. This unique Bible features a limited vocabulary of 850 words to simply and clearly share God's truth---making it the perfect Bible for young readers.


An ideal first Bible, it will take children well through their grade-school years. Features the complete Old and New Testaments in a sturdy, portable format, making it easy to grab and go!


Product Information

Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 944
Vendor: Barbour Bibles
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.38 (inches)
ISBN: 1630586595
ISBN-13: 9781630586591
Text Color: Red Letter
Text Size: 9 Point