

Price: $14.00
Publisher: Scribner

Product Description

The second book in C.S. Lewis's acclaimed Space Trilogy continues the adventures of the extraordinary Dr. Ransom. Pitted against the most destructive of human weaknesses, temptation, the great man must battle evil on a new planet - Perelandra - when it is invaded by a dark force. Will Perelandra succumb to the malevolent being, who strives to creat a new world order and who must destroy an old and beautiful civilization to do so? Or will it throw off the yoke of corruption and achieve a spiritual perfection as yet unknown to man? The outcome of Dr. Ransom's mighty struggle alone will determine the fate of this peace-loving planet.

Product Information

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: Scribner
Dimensions: 8 X 5.50 (inches)
ISBN: 074323491X
ISBN-13: 9780743234917
Availability: In Stock