
Concise Bible Atlas

Price: $14.00
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

Author: J.Carl Laney

Product Description

Understanding biblical geography allows one to more fully comprehend the dramatic events of the Bible. This popular-level historical and geographical survey of the Bible acts as a handbook to help the reader become familiar with some of the main physical and climatic features of the Holy Land. It combines vivid, easy-to-read commentary with 39 maps and 50 photographs. Sixteen historical periods are discussed, including the Intertestamental Period and present day geography. The book traces the Bible chronologically and examines historical periods and major biblical events in the context of their geographical settings.

Product Information

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 288
Vendor: Baker
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
ISBN: 0801046831
ISBN-13: 9780801046834
Availability: In Stock