Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!(Psalm 143:10 ESV)
The New Dare To Discipline
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Author: Dr. James Dobson
Product Description
From the long hair and bell-bottoms of the Woodstock generation to the spiked hair and pierced ears of the MTV crowd, the challenge of helping children mature into responsible adults hasn't changed. But this bestseller has! First published in 1970, it's now revised to offer today's parents Dobson's wise, up-to-the-minute counsel on raising confident, self-controlled kids. 276 pages, softcover from Tyndale.
Product Information
Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 276 Vendor: Tyndale House
Dimensions: 8.25 X 5.5 (inches) ISBN: 0842305068 ISBN-13: 9780842305068
Availability: In Stock