Children Animation

Hailey & Bailey's silly Fight

Price: $0
Publisher: Different Publishing House

Product Description

Hailey and Bailey are pretty typical twins. Most of the time, they get along and love each other very much. But every once in a while, they have a disagreement. What was it this time? Blueberries vs. tomatoes? Or was it oatmeal vs. Cap'n Crunch? She hit me first? Actually, sibling disputes are almost never "about" anything--they are just silly.

In this Hermie and Friends episode, Hailey and Bailey can't agree on what to pack for their picnic, and the resulting feud spills over to the entire garden! In fact, their conflict threatens to undo the good deeds the twins have agreed to perform. The whole garden gang has to learn a lesson about getting along from Mark 12:31 where Jesus teaches about loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. Recommended for ages 4 to 10.